MANHASSET, NEW YORK, MAY 24, 2018 Julia A. Galloway of Carleton, Michigan has been Honored with a Podcast by P.O.W.E.R. (Professional Organization of Women of Excellence Recognized) for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of beauty and cosmetics.  Podcasts are pre-recorded audio interviews which give P.O.W.E.R. members the opportunity to convey a message or story.  This is a great way to increase exposure and market reach and the podcasts are promoted through social media.


Julia A. Galloway is an independent Avon Representative.  She sells Avon products online and offers advice to her clients.  She consults with other beauty professionals on her team and keeps up-to-date on new beauty products.  Julia found that Avon online works perfectly for her.  Since the online store is open 24 hours, customers can place their orders whenever they wish.

Previously, Julia served as a Dining Room Supervisor at Mediloge of Monroe, an assisted living facility.  While there, she oversaw a staff of 15.  She ensured that the residents got the right diet and arranged their seating.  Julia ensured that the staff served the food while it was hot and that the staff recorded in the book what each resident ate and drank for that meal.  She prepared all the meal tickets for the residents and met with family members to obtain all information about the resident.  Julia oversaw that the staff cleaned the dining room properly, passed out evening snacks to the residents, restocked the snack room and kept it clean, and kept cold water in resident rooms at all times.  She ended her shift by recording everything that had been completed by her and the staff.  She left this position due to medical issues.

Being proactive and to make her life and career successful, Julia decides how many hours she is going to work in a day and is very strict about it.  This leaves her with time for family and anything else she needs to do.  She stays current in her field by reading a lot about the products, what is new and what is being discontinued.  She watches training and product videos and participates in Avon groups where she can ask questions and give advice to others.

Julia loves what she does because she sets her own hours.  She chooses to accept her limitations and does not dwell on them.  Julia strives to help others feel beautiful.  In her spare time she enjoys reading and journaling.

“Never give up and keep on fighting “—Julia A. Galloway

For further information, contact and view her Podcast at

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Many are working full time, running a household, caring for their children and trying to fit in some leisure time. These women are from all different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities. They work in different industries and professionals from entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, contractors, educators, employees and employers.

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